Angelika Fritz

>90 Taijiquan journal prompts to deepen your practice

>90 Taijiquan journal prompts to deepen your practice

I recently re-discovered the calming effect of journaling. And that got me into the idea of journaling about by Taijiquan practice. Because Taijiquan is more than just physical movements. It brings harmony to body, mind, and spirit. I started with a list of Taijiquan journal prompts specifically for my own practice. Taijiquan journal prompts for […]

Practice makes you …

I recently did a Udemy course on EFT (more on that topic in on of my next blog posts). And in that course, the teacher said something really interesting: Practice makes you natural. Actually, he said “practice makes you…” and I thought: perfect. But I resisted that thought immediately. With to anything I have learned so far, I never […]

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