Big international Qi Gong & Tai Chi events 2018

I just love to connect with Taijiquan & Qi Gong enthusiasts all around the world. That’s actually the reason why I write my blog in English even though my mothertongue is German. And I have to admit that I have never been to a conference or big push hands meeting, but I would really like to go to such an event. And there are so many Qi Gong & Tai Chi Events 2018!

I am sure you can find many more events, meetings, workshops etc. But I wanted to concentrate on the BIG international meetings and conferences. So my criteria to choose the Qi Gong & Tai Chi events 2018 on my list are:

  • Minimum 3 days long
  • Minimum 3 different teachers
  • Possibility to participate in English or have translations to English (especially when the event is in a non-English-speaking country)

Just choose an event you would like to go to – there are so many possibilities and locations. I am sure you’ll find one of these big international Qi Gong & Tai Chi events 2018 right for you! You could even plan your vacation around such an event, they happen in really great places (France, anyone?).

Big International Qi Gong & Tai Chi Events 2018

International Push Hands Meeting HanoverInternational Push Hands Meeting Hannover: Logo
April 11-15
Hannover, Germany
For the 18th time, push hands beginners and enthusiasts meet in Hanover. Mornings are filled with workshops for all levels, afternoons are filled with free push hands opportunities.


NQA Annual Qi Gong Conference EAST
April 27-29
Newark (New Jersey), USA
Over the past 23 years, the National Qigong Assocation has hosted this conference to share Qigong. In 2018, there will be two conferences in April (East) and October (West, only two days).


International Tai Chi Festival “Democritus of Abdera”
May 25-27
Xanthi, Greece
This is an international exchange between teachers, experts and friends of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. It aims to enhance friendship and expertise in the ancient Chinese internal martial and movement arts.


The Tai Chi Gala
June 1-3
Henryville (PA), USA
The Tai Chi Gala initially started out as Master Jou Tsung Hwa’s “Zhang San Feng Festival” in the mid 1980s. Later the event was renamed to Tai Chi Gala. They say that “at this convention there truly are treasures for EVERYONE to discover. From beginners to seasoned martial arts experts looking to finesse their skills with rare Chinese knowledge and techniques… to people searching for seminars deep in the spiritual and meditative side of the ancient Chinese arts… to people looking for healing and energy development in workshops related to Qi Gong (energy work) and the secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine.”


6th International Taiji-Push Hands-Meeting
May 31 – June 6
Haßfurt a.M., Germany
The theme of this event is: Applying the classics of Taiji (Tai Chi) for a better understanding of the principles. You can actually watch a video from 2016 here!


Drachen und Tiger – Open Air Pushing Hands Meeting
June, 22-24
Wildeshausen, Germany
open air pushing hands meeting


33rd International Tai Chi and Chi Kung Seminar “Aquavenice”
June, 30- July 4
Pellestrina Island (Venice), Italy
The international seminar Aquavenice has been hosted near Venice, Italy since 1985. It includes Chi Kung on the beach, Tui Shou lessons, various Tai Chi weapons etc.
Homepage (Program)


Tai Chi CaledoniaLogo of Tai Chi Caledonia Event
July 6-13
Stirling, Scotland
2018 is the 23rd time that this week of Tai Chi, Qi Gong & Chinese Internal Arts takes place in the heart of Scotland.


SommerakademieLogo der Sommerakadmie Altenrode
July 23 – August 5
Alterode, Germany
Enjoy one or even two weeks of Taijqiuan and Qi Gong for beginners, intermediates and advanced students!


Les Rencontres Jasnières
July 27-29
Marçon, France
This event will happen for the 31st time in 2018! It’s actually the oldest international Taijiquan meeting across different styles in Europe. It emphazises friendly and non-competitive exchange of experiences, skills, and push hands. (This meeting on a camping ground has no commercial organisator, thus openness and self organisation is expected!)


North Sea Tai Chi Festival
August 17-19
Zeewolde, Netherlands
This is a 3-day outdoor Tai Chi festival, open to all styles, related disciplines and levels.


Symposium for Integrative Health & Tai Chi Retreat
September 7-9
Long Beach Island (NJ), USA
This symposium is hosted by the Taijiquan Enthusiasts Organization and Asklepios (an integrative health research group). Expect three days of health seminars, research presentation, martial arts workshops, and spiritual retreat activities.


Yangsheng Meeting
September 7-9
Hannover, Germany
Initiated by Nils Klug in 2016, this meeting is meant to create an international meeting for the celebration of the wealth of the Chinese internal arts with participants from different countries throughout Europe and Asia. It’s about showing and celebrating the different approaches and styles towards Taijiquan, Qigong, Wushu and other Chinese internal arts in all their rich varieties: from health to martial aspects, from traditional to „modern“ systems, from meditative to athletic performances.


International Push Hands Meeting in Prague
September 14-18
Prague, Czech Republic
This meeting consists of workshop (experienced teachers will present their methods of work in Tai Chi Chuan and push hands), practice in pairs (participants will individually agree on how they want to practice in pairs in 10-minute rounds)and a Gala evening (space for presentations of styles, schools and forms as well as a friendly meeting)



Now those are a lot of big Qi Gong & Tai Chi events 2018! I am sure there are some more, so please contact me if you know of another meeting that meets my criteria (min. 3 days, min. 3 teachers, English).

And of course I want to wish all organizers and participants success and a good time:

Have fun! Learn a lot! Connect with each other!

Happy Qi!



P.S.: I would like to add one more big event: the World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day on April 28th, 2018 which is celebrated all over the world!


big and international Qi Gong & Tai Chi events 2018








One Comment

  • Hi Thorsten,
    thank you for your comment and your recommendations! I haven’t had the chance to go to a festival yet, but I will one day for sure! And I wish you lots of fun during those events!

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