Category Archives: Thoughts

What you need to know if you search for “Tai Chi near me”

Let me tell you: I think it is really great that you search for “Tai Chi near me”. I remember when I searched for my first Tai Chi classes near me in 2004. And I remember that I found the results to be very confusing.

First, I stumbled across some different words. Because there are different ways how to write it. And if you really want to find all the Tai Chi schools and teachers in your area, you should search for:

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Coping with Virtual Reality: why Taijiquan can be one of the best methods

Recently I’ve seen a picture about how we could be like in Virtual Reality, and I cannot get that picture out of my head. I wondered how I could prepare myself and my family (especially my two young kids) for this new technology. How we could prepare for coping with Virtual Reality.

And I think, that Taijiquan will be of great help coping with Virtual Reality (VR). Because what will happen when VR really kicks into our everyday life:

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Should you learn Qi Gong in China? Or Tai Chi? Or go somewhere else?

I have to confess that I would LOVE to learn Qi Gong in China, or Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan). And a lot of people actually ask me if I’ve been there. Well, I’ve been to China, but that was BEFORE I started practicing these arts.

Right now, I cannot travel extensively for Taijiquan and Qi Gong. But I am definitely thinking about it and want to do it in the future. And though it may seem obvious to wanting to travel to China, I think there are other interesting places to go. Like learning from Qi Gong masters in New York or Tai Chi masters in San Francisco would be awesome!

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