Tai Chi 24 form moves in Chinese, Pinyin, English & 4 other languages
The Tai Chi 24 form (24式太极拳) is most likely the Tai Chi form with the most practitioners in China and worldwide. However, there are no precise numbers confirming that, but it is for sure one of the most known Tai Chi forms. And even if you practice another form (especially Yang style forms), you will probably recognize some of the Tai Chi 24 form moves (source: unknown):

It was created in Beijing in 1956. Therefore, it is often called Beijing 24 form or Peking 24 form. The Taijiquan teachers involved in developing the 24 step Tai Chi form were Chu Guiting, Cai Longyun, Fu Zhongwen, and Zhang Yu. This form is quite an “official” form, because the creation was promoted by the Chinese Sports Committee.
I think another reason why it is so popular is that is so short. It only takes about 6 minutes to go through. It is basically a short Yang style form with only 24 postures. If you are a beginner, the Tai Chi 24 form moves will give you an introduction to the essential elements of Taijiquan.
As a beginner, you might want to print this blog post and keep it as an reminder which move comes next. Or you could use the list to do some further research on the individual moves in Chinese or Pinyin. I added the English, German (did you know I am from Germany?), French, Italian, and Spanish! So the order of the names will be:
- 中文 Pinyin
- English
- Deutsch
- Francais
- Italiano
- Espagnol
Tai Chi 24 form moves in Chinese / Pinyin / English etc.
- 起势 Qǐshì
- Commencing, Preparation, Beginning
- Das Qi wecken
- Préparation
- Inizio, preparazione
- Posición de apertura
- 左右野马分鬃 Zuoyou Yémǎ Fēnzōng
- Part the Wild Horse’s Mane (left & right)
- Die Mähne des Wildpferdes teilen
- Séparer la crinière du cheval sauvage
- Dividere la criniera del cavallo selvaggio (a sinistra e a destra)
- Peinar la crin de caballo (izquierdo y derecho)
- 白鹤亮翅 Báihè Lìangchì
- White Crane Spreads Its Wings, Stork/Crane Cools Its Wings
- Der weiße Kranich breitet die Schwingen aus
- La grue blanche déploie ses ailes
- La gru bianca spiega le ali
- Grulla blanca extiende sus alas
- 左右搂膝拗步 Zuoyou Lōuxī Àobù
- Brush Knee and Step Forward, Brush Knee and Twist Step (left & right)
- Das Knie streifen (links & rechts)
- Effleurer le genou
- Spazzolare il ginocchio e torsione (a sinistra e a destra)
- Cepillar la rodilla y empujar
- 手挥琵琶 Shǒuhūi Pípā
- Playing the Lute, Strum the Lute, Play Guitar / Pipa
- Die Gitarre spielen, Pipa spielen, Harfe spielen
- Jouer la guitare
- Suonare il liuto (pipa)
- Tocar el Laud
- 左右倒卷肱 Zuoyou Dào juǎn gōng
- Reverse Reeling Forearm, Step Back and Repulse Monkey (left & right)
- Den Affen abwehren
- Reculer et repousser le singe
- Indietreggiare e respingere la scimmia (a sinistra e a destra)
- Rechazar al mono (izquierdo y derecho)
- 左揽雀尾 Zuo Lǎn Què Wěi
- Left Grasp Sparrow’s Tail, Grasp the Bird’s Tail
- Den Vogel beim Schwanz fassen (links)
- Saisir la queue de l’oiseau à gauche
- Afferrare la coda del passero (a sinistra)
- Sujetar la cola al pavo real (izquierda)
- 7a. 掤 Peng
- Ward Off
- Block
- Tenir le ballon
- Parare
- Rechazar
- 7b. 捋 Lǚ/Lu
- Rollback
- Ziehen
- Rouler
- Deflettere
- Salir
- 7c. 擠 Jǐ
- Press
- Drücken
- Presser
- Premere
- Presionar
- 7d. 按 Àn
- Push
- Stoßen
- Pousser
- Respingere
- Empujar
- 7a. 掤 Peng
- 右揽雀尾 You Lǎn què wěi
- Right Grasp Sparrow’s Tail
- Den Vogel beim Schwanz fassen (rechts)
- Saisir la queue de l’oiseau à droite
- Afferrare la coda del passero (a destra)
- Sujetar la cola al pavo real (derecha)
- 单鞭 Dān biān
- Single Whip
- Peitsche
- Simple fouet
- Frusta semplice
- Látigo simple
- 云手 Yúnshǒu
- Wave Hands Like Clouds, Cloud Hands, Cloud Built Hands, Wave Hands in Clouds
- Wolkenhände
- Mouvoir les mains comme les nuages
- Mani come nuvole
- Las manos se mueven como las nubes
- 单鞭 Dān biān
- Single Whip
- Peitsche
- Simple fouet
- Frusta semplice
- Látigo simple
- 高探马 Gāo tàn mǎ
- High Pat on Horse, Step Up to Examine Horse
- Über den Rücken des Pferdes streichen
- Caresser la crinière du cheval
- Accarezzare la testa del cavallo selvaggio
- Palmada al caballo
- 右蹬脚 Yòu dēng jiǎo
- Right Heel Kick, Separate Right Foot, Kick with Right Foot
- Fersenstoß rechts
- Séparer le pied droit
- Calcio di tallone destro
- Patada derecha con talón
- 双峰贯耳 Shuāng fēng guàn ěr
- Strike to Ears with Both Fists
- Mit den Fäusten auf die Ohren schlagen, Heißer Wind in den Ohren
- Frapper des deux poings
- Doppio pugno alle orecchie
- Doble golpe a los oídos
- 转身左蹬脚 Zhuǎnshēn zuǒ dēngjiǎo
- Turn Body and Left Heel Kick
- Drehen und Fersenstoß links
- Pivoter et séparer le pied gauche
- Ruotare il corpo e calcio di tallone sinistro
- Giro y patada con talón
- 左下势独立 Zuo Xià shì dúlì
- Left Lower Body and Stand on One Leg
- Die gehockte Peitsche (links)
- Le serpent qui rampe et Coq d’or sur une patte
- Passo accucciato sinistro e alzarsi su una gamba
- Arrastro hacia abajo y el gallo de oro de pie sobre una pierna
- 16a. 下 势 Xià shì
- Single Whip Squatting Down, Snake Creeps Down
- Die Schlange kriecht herunter
- Le serpent qui rampe
- Il serpente striscia
- Arrastro hacia abajo
- 16b. 左 金 鸡 独 立 Zuo Jin Ji Du Li
- Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg, Golden Bird Standing Alone
- Der goldene Hahn steht auf einem Bein
- Le coq d’or se tient sur une patte
- Il gallo d’oro si alza su una zampa
- El gallo de oro de pie sobre una pierna
- 16a. 下 势 Xià shì
- 右下势独立 You Xià shì dúlì
- Right Lower Body and Bird Stand on One Leg
- Die gehockte Peitsche (rechts)
- Le serpent qui rampe et Coq d’or sur une patte
- Passo accucciato destro e alzarsi su una gamba
- Arrastro hacia abajo y el gallo de oro de pie sobre una pierna
- 右左玉女穿梭 Yòuzuǒ yùnǚ chuānsuō
- Shuttle Back and Forth, Fair Lady Works with Shuttles, (Walking Wood), Four Corners, (right & left)
- Am Webstuhl arbeiten, die schöne Weberin am Webstuhl, das Weberschiffchen schleudern”
- La jolie dame tisse et lance la navette
- La dama di giada tesse al telaio e lancia la spola (a destra e a sinistra)
- Dama de jade (izquierdo y derecho)
- 海底针 Hǎidǐ zhēn
- Needle at Sea Bottom
- Die Nadel vom Meeresboden holen
- Saisir l’aiguille au fond de la mer
- Ago in fondo al mare
- Aguja al fondo del mar
- 闪通臂 Shǎn tōng bì
- Fan Through Back, Fan Penetrates Back
- Die Arme wie einen Fächer ausbreiten
- L’éventail se rétracte
- Il lampo attraversa la schiena
- Abanico por la espalda
- 转身搬拦捶 Zhuǎnshēn Bānlánchuí
- Turn Body, Deflect, Parry, and Punch
- Drehen, blockieren, parieren und zustoßen
- Pivoter et frapper
- Ruotare il corpo, deflettere, parare e colpire con il pugno
- Giro, bloqueo, parar y golpe
- 如封似闭 Rúfēng shìbì
- Appears Closed, Withdraw and Push, as if Closing a Door
- Verschließen
- Parer et donner un coup de poing, se retirer et pousser
- Chiusura apparente
- Cierre aparente
- 十字手 Shízì shǒu
- Cross Hands
- Die Hände kreuzen
- Croiser les mains
- Incrociare le mani
- Cruzar las manos
- 收势 Shōushì
- Closing
- Schluss
- Clore l’enchaînement
- Chiusura
- Cierre
If you would like to watch the Tai Chi 24 form step by step, these two videos include the names.
Here the Tai Chi movements are written in English & Chinese:
This video has a little more information. Plus the Tai Chi 24 form moves are spoken in Chinese:
And instead of printing this post you could also order a poster with pictures of the Tai Chi 24 form moves*. Hang it on the wall and look at it while praticing – it will help you to memorize the order and names!
And obviously, as the 24 form Tai Chi is so popular, there are a lot of books and DVD available on Amazon*, too!
I hope this list and the videos help you to improve your skills in the Tai Chi 24 form and in your overall Tai Chi Chuan. If you want to dive deeper on the different 24 form moves, check out this page for more details.
Or you might also want to read more about Taijiquan moves no matter which style you practice. You will find my comments here on my Taijiquan moves page!
Happy Qi!
Note: if you know the names of the Tai Chi 24 form moves in other languages and would like to add them, just contact me and I will integrate them! I think it would be really cool to have a very international list of the names of these Tai Chi 24 form moves!
Comments are closed.
Hi Angelika,
I like your Blogs and this article. I’ve just retired and started to learn Tai Chi Chuan. I started with a course for Senior citizens. We are learning the Yang Long Form (as teached in Hongkong by Yang Shou Chung).
But back to your article on the 24er form. I have found this Video yesterday, with all the names in Chinese. Maybe you’ll like it.
Monika from Dortmund/Germany
Sorry – I forgot the Link
That is really a nice video! Thank you for sharing it.