Tag Archives: mindset

Even kids recognize Taijiquan when they see it- what can we do to make more people practice it?

Some days ago I practiced in my favorite park in the morning. It is an old cemetery and there are many people running of having a walk. And while a practiced, a school class passed by. The kids were around 11 or 12 years old. And as they walked by I heard one asking “what is that” and the other kids whispered “that’s Tai Chi”. They recognized Taijiquan – even though I am not old, Chinese, male, and I wasn’t even wearing a silk pyjama 😉 Continue reading

My Qi Gong birth story

I already talked about how I practiced Taijiquan and Qi Gong during my pregnancies. You might want to read that post first, because it will help you to understand my Qi Gong birth story:  My story about practicing Qi Gong and Taijiquan during pregnancy. 

First of all, I would like to tell you that my Qi Gong birth story is a natural birth story. And both my kids were born in a hospital. I will not go into bloddy details about the pain and everything, I will just share how I benefited from my Taijiquan and Qi Gong experience during those two natural births.

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