Tag Archives: books

11 interesting Tai Chi Push Hands books — I bought these 2

If you read my blog regularly (there is a new post at least every Friday), you might know that I struggle with Tai Chi Pushing Hands (Tui Shou). And I know that a lot of people just keep saying “keep doing it” and “you only learn about it by doing it”, I am the kind of gal who likes a book. Of course I had a look at all the Tai Chi Push Hands books. If I want to conquer a topic, I get myself a book. Continue reading

What is Pushing Hands or Tui Shou: quotes & thoughts

Honestly, Push Hands is a big mystery to me. I cannot put my finger on it, but I know I am still not sure what is Pushing Hands (or 推手 Tui Shou, the Chinese name).

Even though I continuously visit Tai Chi Push Hand workshops and classes and try to figure out, what is Pushing Hands. But there are still missing pieces. Continue reading

The Taijiquan & Qi Gong Dictionary

Are you a book lover like me? Then you probably have many of the best Tai Chi books, Qi Gong books and TCM books.

I like to read through them, sitting on my couch. But sometimes there are words or phrases I don’t understand. And as much as I love the Internet, I also love to have a paper book to cruise through.

About a year ago, I figured that I needed a dictionary. And even though I found many glossaries and lists online and in books, I could not find a dictionary. At least none that was dedicated specifically to Taijiquan and Qi Gong.

Thus I decided to write it myself! And after months of researching, reading, learning, contemplating, and tearing my hair out, it is finally here:

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Cheng Manching books (written by him, his students & other)

There are a lot of Cheng Manching books – some written by the Professor himself, others by his students and some translated even after his death.

(Just in case that you don’t know yet: Cheng Manching (also Zheng Manqing) was a student of Yang Chengfu. Moving to New York in 1964 he is considered the one who brought Taijiquan to the West. He taught until his death in 1975. As some of his students are still alive and actively promoting his Tai Chi in the USA and all around the world, his 37 postures form is still very popular.)

Because there are so many books available, I decided to devide them in books written by Cheng Manching himself, by his students and by others.

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The 5 best TCM books

Once you start engaging more and more with Qi Gong and Taijiquan, you eventually will be confronted with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s all about Yin & Yang, the 5 elements, meridians etc. All that might sound a bit strange in the beginning, especially as there are so many foreign Chinese words. 😉 But it’s really not that hard to understand. There are a couple of really good TCM books.

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