Taijiquan levels: which skills you should have after x years
In Taijiquan, there is a lot of talk about “levels”. There are no belts like in Karate or other martial arts, so it is really hard to tell how good someone is.
In Taijiquan, there is a lot of talk about “levels”. There are no belts like in Karate or other martial arts, so it is really hard to tell how good someone is.
I once heard about someone who knew dozens of Taijiquan forms. So he developed a mathematic program to decide on which day to practice which form. I would call him a Taijiquan Form Collector – someone who just learns all kinds of forms and then continues to practice them.
Now, in summertime, you can see them again: naked feet! And I think, everyone should go to pedicure, especially if you practice Taijiquan.
Some time ago I went on a short trip to the countryside. I stayed at a farm with a wonderful garden full of trees – apples, pears, and plums. And while sitting there, I noticed how different all the trees were! There were young and old trees that needed support, straight trees, slanting trees, one […]
So you probably heard that you should practice Taijiquan daily. But what is it exactly that the masters say about it? I collected some quotes from different Taijiquan masters about why you should practice Taijiquan daily. Let’s start with Yang Chengfu: