Qi Gong music – my recommendations (music CDs and free YouTube videos)
Before I give you my recommendations of Qi Gong music, let me tell you a short story.
Before I give you my recommendations of Qi Gong music, let me tell you a short story.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you already know that I have two kids. I’ve already written about Qi Gong during pregnancy as well as giving birth and Qi Gong. Now I want to talk about breastfeeding.
If you ask yourself which Qi Gong shoes you should wear to a Qi Gong class, the most basic answer is:
Once, the perfect practice settings where really important for me. I wanted everything to be just right and calm. I even had a small empty room in my apartment that was dedicated only to practicing Qi Gong, Taijiquan and meditation!
We all know that Yoginis wear Yoga pants. Preferably very tight with a nice flashy print. But what do Qi Gong people wear? What is appropriate Qi Gong clothing?